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9-1-11 Beautification Commission Minutes
Beautification Commission
Thursday, September 1, 2011   

Present:         Pat Byrnes; Diane Carlucci; Elaine Dube; Mary Mourey; Pat Sirois.

Also Present:    Roger Moss, Director/Park and Recreation
                         Bonnie Nichols, Director/Inspections and Planning
Absent:          Marylee Hickey; Dolores Kehoe; Betty Russell (excused); Tony Russo (excused).
        Tim Bockus, Acting Director/Public Works (excused).

Call to order:
Chair Sirois called the meeting of the Beautification Commission to order at 7: 18 p.m.
Chair Sirois introduced Diane Carlucci again for those Commissioners who didn’t meet her.

Acceptance of minutes of AUGUST 4, 2011      
Mary Mourey made a motion to accept the minutes of the August 4, 2011 meeting. Seconded by Elaine Dube.  Approved.

Opportunity for citizens to speak:              None.   

Financial Report:                                       
Mary Mourey reported that the General Fund balance is $7950 .  Remembrance Fund balance is $520.96.

Chair Sirois received the following communication:
  • Arbor Day Foundation
  • Letter from Mayor LeClerc appointing Diane Carlucci to the Commission
Chair's Report:                                 No report at this time.
Tree Warden's Report:                           No report at this time
Tim Bockus will email the clerk the report to include in the mailing.
Old Business:                                                                           
  • Grant Information – Tim Bockus
No report at this time due to Tim Bockus being absent.

Roger Moss reported that some of the Tree City Plaques need to have the new year  placed on them.  The clerk with email Tim Bockus with this request.

New Business:
  • Beautification Award recommendations
  • Residential
Chair Sirois reported the following residents and businesses will be honored at the Town Council meeting, September 6:
151 Sandra Drive, the home owner stated her son does all the work and he will attend the meeting.
        Farnham Drive – Marshall Family

  • Business
Willow Arms
Ballard Motors

  • Holiday Fest 2011
Chair Sirois reported that the Amusement Application has been completed and submitted to the proper departments.  

Chair Sirois reported she had heard from or requested the following from various participants:
        Faith Lutheran Church – will have the Bell Ringers
        Paul Bisaccia will perform sponsored by the Fine Arts Commission
        Al Harris, “The Voices” will let Chair Sirois know if they can perform.

Chair Sirois stated she will begin emailing all participants to request if they will be participating in Holiday Fest 2011 after the Labor Day holiday.

Discussion was held on a theme.  Consensus was “penguins.”

Roger Moss has agreed to assist Chair Sirois with the developing and printing of the brochure.

The following dates have been agreed upon for Holiday Fest distribution of brochures:
November 10     Count out brochures for schools (Clerk will have student enrollment numbers available).  This will be done at the East Hartford Community Cultural Center beginning at 3:30 p.m.
November 14     Delivery of brochures to elementary schools in East Hartford
November 20     Decorating of kiosk at Alumni Park

OTHER BUSINESS:                                                 None.                                                   
Concerns of the Commission:
Commissioners stated that the flower barrels looked lovely.  The one concern they had was flowers with height are needed in the center for the barrels to look full.  This issue will be addressed next year.

Payment of Bills:
        Theresa Godreau (clerk)                                         $ 75.00
Pat Byrnes made a motion to pay the bills as submitted.  Seconded by Mary Mourey.  Approved.
There being no further business, Mary Mourey made a motion to adjourn the meeting at
7:58 p.m. Seconded by Elaine Dube. Approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Theresa Godreau, Clerk